
Elysian Energy – Now Helping Virginia’s Homes

SILVER SPRING, MD., July 16, 2015 /PRESS RELEASE  COMP/ – Elysian Energy is now a Participating Contractor in Dominion’s Home Energy Check-Up Program for Virginia residential home owners. This energy savings program is a quick and easy way to help Virginia residents save money on their monthly utility bills, ensure the health and safety of their dwellings, and reduce their energy usage.

A Home Energy Check-Up is an on-site analysis of a home’s energy usage. During the Check-Up, a technician performs a quick walkthrough of the home and installs energy and water saving products. The savings reduce homeowners’ bills and the peak demand for Dominion’s electricity supply. Upon completion of the Home Energy Check-Up, homeowners receive a personalized report that includes a list of installations completed and the projected energy and potential cost savings that could result from the implementation of options identified during the check-up.

Although the average cost of a Home Energy Check-Up is approximately $230, a rebate is included based on the number of energy efficiency measures installed during the visit. If the homeowner provides documentation that some of the recommended energy efficiency improvements have been made, a portion of the check-up price, up to the full price, will be refunded. Instead of paying for the Home Energy Check-Up and then waiting for a rebate in the mail, homeowners can allocate the rebate to Elysian Energy, pay nothing, and let Elysian Energy do the waiting.  Most homeowners choose this option, which allows them to incur zero costs for the Check-Up.

Elysian Energy is the region’s leader in energy audits and energy efficiency consulting for buildings. Their energy mission is to enhance the build environment for a more sustainable future. They have served thousands of clients in the D.C. and Baltimore areas by providing a spectrum of energy efficiency services: home energy audits, insulation, multifamily quick home energy checkups, green building verification, commercial audits, benchmarking, and building scientist training. From homeowners and building professionals to businesses and governments, Elysian Energy helps people across the region save money, increase their comfort, and reduce their environmental impact.

For more information, check out the program’s webpage: FAQs or call 571-336-8411.