Elysian Energy Open House BBQ
What an awesome BBQ!
We held our first company-wide event on Thursday, July 25th. We held an Open House for family, friends, neighbors, past customers, and community partners, complete with delicious BBQ. The event was a chance for our guests to check out our new offices and to tour our new Training Center next door at 1418 Fenwick Lane. We also held two Training Center Seminars that gave guests insight into our training program. Lastly, we celebrated the release of our new website at www.elysianenergy.com.
The weather was perfect on Thursday. Our guests played cornhole and chowed down on some fantastic BBQ. It was a great way to spend a summer evening.
We would like to thank everyone for coming out on Thursday! Our success in saving energy and promoting sustainability depends on the efforts of our community, and this event was a great chance to thank everyone for all they’ve done for the Elysian Energy team. Our green caterer, Geppetto’s Catering, deserves a huge amount of thanks, as does our green printer, Sveconway.
Check out our gallery to see some of the images from our event!
- The Elysian Energy Team
- We had a ton of food.
- Good food.
- Jim Conlon talking with our guests.
- Whitney Cooper, our Operations Manager, having a good time.
- Greg Abbe, our Audit Manager and Libby Thoke, our Multifamily Manager, show off some of the testing equipment in our new Training Center.
- Exposed wall in the new Training Center will be used to show trainees how insulation effects air leakage.
- Our Green Building Manager, Andy Corral, shows off our exposed wall in the Training Center
- Sunita Pathik, Program Coordinator, getting photo-bombed by Greg.
- Did we mention there was corn hole?
- Meghan McAvoy hoola-hooped and mingled without breaking a sweat.
- Alex McKay had a good time.
- Kristin Larson with our partners from Friends of Sligo Creek
- Ethan chatting with some of our guests
- Jim Conlon and Megan Murray with Vernita Grimes.
- Whitney Cooper and Jared Madden with Vernita Grimes
- The construction crew next door got into the mix.